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Sound design & music


My name is Marion Perret and I am currently Sound Designer at Ubisoft Montpellier on the game Beyond Good & Evil 2.

Before that, I was a student in Master in Sound Design in video games and interactive media at the Cnam- ENJMIN in Angoulême. 
I was also able to get my RNCP level II degree in Sound Design in Lyon where I was able to study Sound Design and musical composition mainly in the audiovisual field. Before that, I study 2 years in a Bachelor's degree in Musicology specialising in Current Music in Strasbourg.

I was therefore able to work on film extracts, short films, videos, promotional trailers etc...

Different types of projects

  • Creation of Sound Design and musical composition in the field of video games and interactive media
  • Creation of Sound Design and musical composition in the audiovisual field
  • Creation of Jingles or adapted sound compositions
  • Sound and Foleys
  • Voice recording
  • Sound editing and post-production